History of Nosler

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Nosler, founded in 1948 by John Amos Nosler, has established itself as an impressive, respected name among gun owners. Nosler ammunition, bullets, and brass, are considered among the best in the industry, with a reputation for excellence. This has much to do with founder John Amos Nosler’s love of the sport, which directly led to the groundbreaking innovation that continues to define the company’s products to this day.

Nosler’s Product Range

In addition to bullets, ammunition, and brass, Nosler also manufactures firearms and gun accessories, including suppressors. The company offers a comprehensive range of products designed to meet the diverse needs of gun enthusiasts. From precision bullets to reliable ammunition, Nosler covers all aspects of the shooting experience.

When you purchase a Nosler product, you’re taking part in a rich tradition that began with frustration during a hunting trip.

Hunting Gone Wrong

The story of Nosler traces back to a hunting trip in 1946 when John Amos Nosler faced challenges in effectively taking down large moose in British Columbia. The bullets he used proved inadequate in penetrating vital organs or expanding properly upon impact.

Some bullets were effective at penetrating the flesh of the animal but had issues expanding once inside. Some bullets would fracture into smaller pieces, leaving the animal wounded but still alive.

Unsatisfied with the existing options, Nosler embarked on a mission to develop a solution to these issues.

A Mission to Create a Better Bullet

In 1948, Nosler introduced the Partition® bullet, which became a turning point in the company’s history. The Partition® bullet featured a dual-core design, ensuring reliable expansion while maintaining projectile integrity for successful penetration. This breakthrough led to commercial success, establishing Nosler as a trusted provider of high-performance bullets.

Over the years, Nosler has continued to innovate in bullet designs, introducing popular options such as AccuBond, AccuBond Long Range, Ballistic Tip, Varmageddon, and RDF bullets. The company began publishing reloading manuals in 1976 to assist sportsmen in optimizing their loads. Nowadays, alongside bullets and reloading manuals, Nosler sells an assortment of ammunition, components, firearms, and accessories.

Establishing Excellence and Setting Standards

With a focus on quality and performance, Nosler has become synonymous with precision and effectiveness in the shooting community. In 2021, Nosler received the notable American Hunter’s Golden Bullseye Award, which decreed that the company’s Trophy Grade Ammunition was the “Ammunition of the Year. “

How Nosler Hunting Ammunition Rises Above Other Brands

Like all dedicated manufacturers, Nosler insists on using the finest materials and supplies when creating its ammunition. This insistence on quality is a large part of the reason why Nosler ammunition is lauded for accuracy and performance again and again.

The Partition® bullet, in particular, offers a uniquely impressive design.

  • The bullet gets its name from the partition situated between the front and rear lead cores.
  • When the bullet makes contact with the target, the front core expands while the partition safeguards the rear core.
  • This design ensures a substantial wound channel combined with deep penetration, which is best when going for a quick kill via the vital organs of the animal.

It’s clear that John Nosler engineered his bullets with a true understanding of the ethical hunters’ needs.

Why Powder Valley Believes in the Nosler Name

At Powder Valley, we are hunters and shooters, just like you. We share your values and culture. That’s why you can trust that we stock the finest ammunition and reloading components available—Nosler sets the standard for high quality and performance.

Powder Valley is your home for reloading components and equipment, including brass, bullets, powder, primers, and more, at the best possible price. We invite you to shop now or contact our team today to learn more about the products we carry and our commitment to quality and customer service.